Euromillions 2 Chance

Play EuroMillions today for a chance to win huge jackpots of up to a whopping €210 million! Even the starting jackpot of €17 million is a fortune anybody would be lucky to take home. Even the starting jackpot of €17 million is a fortune anybody would be lucky to take home. Euromillions makes 2 weekly draws: one on Tuesdays and another on Fridays. There is no difference between them in terms of regulations, way of playing, prizes, etc. You can select which of the two to play or select weekly to play both and have a better chance of winning. This gives you the chance to pick more numbers and/or chance, which increases your chance of winning. Every time someone pays € 2,50 for a ticket, € 1,25 is divided among the EuroMillions winners.

  1. Euromillions 2 Chance Meaning
  2. Euromillions 2 Chance 2
  3. Euromillions 2 Chance Lottery
  4. Euromillions 2 Chance 3
  5. Euromillions Uk
  6. Euromillions 2 Chance 4
  7. Euromillions Heute 2chance

Last updated on December 20, 2020

Millions of worst types of combinations exist in the EuroMillions game that will not likely appear in any draw. You may have been playing one of these worst combinations, and you don’t know it.

If you are like most EuroMillions players who pick numbers randomly, by quick pick, or by any superstitious method, then your chances of winning the jackpot are almost non-existent.

Many lotto players have tried the idea of using birth dates of their sons and daughters, memorable dates in their lives, lucky numbers, horoscope numbers, hot numbers, cold numbers, and even psychic prediction, tarot, and lottery spell, etc. That makes me think about 99% of EuroMillions players are doing it all wrong.

I recommend you start playing the EuroMillions using math. Once you understand the mathematical method of playing the lottery, you will never play the EuroMillions the same way again.

Let’s dig deeper.

The Odds of Winning The EuroMillions

The National Lottery EuroMillions game is a 5/50 lottery format. So the rule is to pick five numbers from 1 to 50. We compute the total combinations by using the Combination formula.

So there are 2 million possible ways to combine five numbers in EuroMillions. However, to win the jackpot, you are required to match the extra two lucky stars so that the actual odds become 1 to 139.8 million.

If you think about your odds, you have a better chance of becoming the next Prime Minister of the U.K. In short; it is tough to win in the EuroMillions.

In perspective, on the average, you have 139.8 million attempts to win the jackpot. If you play 100 tickets every week, then you have 1.4 million weeks or 27,000 years to hit the jackpot.

Twenty-seven thousand years is such a long time. You’ve got to be very lucky to win.

The EuroMillions lottery is a random game. You cannot predict the next winning numbers.

So, if superstitions, hot numbers, lucky numbers, quick pick, and a random selection will not help, what will?

Mathematics remains the only tool.

How to Beat the Odds of the EuroMillions Game

Of course, you cannot beat the odds of EuroMillions. But thankfully, math can help. There’s a way to increase your chances of winning the game.

The only way to increase your chances of winning is to buy more tickets.

But buying more tickets is useless if you’re making the wrong choices. It’s not OK to choose 1-2-3-4-5, and 2-3-4-5-6, and 46-47-48-49-50.

I will explain why.

But first of all, I must ask you to forget about hot or cold numbers. For the longest time, people mistakenly believe that if a number frequently occurs in the past, the same number is bound to be drawn more often in the future. This belief must be corrected.

Now, let’s proceed.

All combinations in EuroMillions 5/50 have the same probability.

It means that 1-2-3-4-5 is equally likely.

Play 2-4-6-8-10, and that is equally likely too.

Perhaps your combination is 5-10-15-20-25, this combination has the same probability as any other in the universe of Euromillions’ possible combinations.

The truth, all combinations have equal chances.

But think about this. Consider more tickets where all numbers are picked in the form of straight combinations:

  • 1-2-3-4-5
  • 2-3-4-5-6
  • 3-4-5-6-7
  • 46-47-48-49-50

If I ask lotto players to spend their money on the above combinations, the surest response I will get is “no way.”

And why not?

That’s because people don’t trust their understanding of probability.

“Gut feeling” dominates the logic

You see, if you are confident that all combinations have the same probability, why be afraid to play all those combinations.

In other words, while you believe that all combinations have the same probability, there’s part of you that says buying “multiple tickets where all combinations are straight numbers” cannot be right.

But gut feeling shouldn’t be superior to mathematics.

If you want to win the EuroMillions game, you have to have a strong mathematical foundation.

And mathematics says:

There’s a big difference between having lots of wrong combinations and having the right combinations.

But how do we explain this mathematically?

Minding your ratio of success to failure

Odds and probability are two different terms with two different equations. The difference between the two can be best describe when we study the composition of combinations.

As a lotto player, you don’t have the power to change the underlying probability, and you cannot beat the odds of the Euromillions game. But you have the power to know all the possible choices and make the right decision based on those choices.

And making the right choice is possible when you know the difference between odds and probability.

What is the difference?

Probability refers to the measurement that an event will likely occur. And we measure the likelihood by using the formula:

We normally expressed the results of this formula in percentage.

Now, to get the odds, we use this formula instead:

What you get from this formula is a ratio.

So the difference is that the probability is the measurement of chance while the odds are the ratio of success to failure.

In layman’s term, the difference between odds and probability can be described in the following way:

Probability = Chance

Odds = Advantage

That is, you cannot control the probability and you cannot beat the odds, but at least you can choose the best odds and get the best ratio of success to failure.

Let’s consider the combination 2-4-6-8-10. This combination is composed of 5 even numbers with no odd numbers. This combination belongs to the 0-odd-5-even group.

In the Euromillions game, there are 53,130 ways you can combine 5 numbers that are all even numbers and no odd numbers.

Therefore we calculate the odds of a 0-odd-5-even in the following way:

Odds of 5-even-0-odd = 53,130 / 2,065,630

This means that 2-4-6-8-10 and all similar combinations under the group of 0-odd-5-even will give you 2 or 3 opportunities to match the winning combinations for every 100 attempts that you play the Euromillions game.

As you can see, a combination such as 2-4-6-8-10 offers a very low ratio of success.

In comparison, you will have a better ratio of success when you pick a more balanced odd and even numbers.

Let’s prove that.

There are 690,000 ways you can combine numbers of type 3-odd-2-even. If we calculate the odds, we get:

Odds of 3-odd-2-even = 690,000 / 1,428,760

In simple terms, a 3-odd-2-even combination will give you the opportunity to match the winning numbers 32 to 33 times in every 100 attempts that you play the Euromillions game.

If we compare the two classes of combinations, we can see a big difference:

0-odd-5-even VS 3-odd-2-even

The way to explain the table above is that if you play the 0-odd-5-even combination, then expect that you have 2 million ways to fail and thereby you have less opportunity to win.

On the other hand, if you play a more balanced combination such as a 3-odd-2-even, then you have more opportunities to win, and the number of ways you fail decreased to just 1.4 million.

Euromillions 2 Chance

In a random event like the Euromillions game, making an intelligent choice requires mathematical strategy. We calculate all the possible choices and finally make an intelligent choice. It’s all about how not to be mathematically wrong.

But to give you a gist of how to make an intelligent choice, let’s dig deeper through these combinatorial patterns below.

Combinatorial Patterns in EuroMillions

Let me describe a mathematical method that will catapult you to Euro Million’s success. Deep within the finite sets of EuroMillions numbers are combinatorial patterns that should tell you the best combinations to play and the worst ones to avoid.

Let me clarify that we don’t need statistics to determine the best combinations in a lottery game. Statistics is not the right tool to analyze a lottery game.

So if statistical analysis will not provide the best clue, what will?

Well, since the lottery has a finite set structure, any question that we ask is a combinatorial and probability problem to solve rather than statistical.

So instead of statistics, we need the concept of combinatorics and probability theory. These two mathematical tools will help predict the general outcome of the EuroMillions game from the perspective of the law of large numbers.

This prediction is possible because a truly random lottery follows the dictate of probability.

Again, we can explain this better from the context of combinatorial patterns.

For example, we can ask:

“What is the probability that the next winning numbers will be 1-2-3-4-5?”

To solve this question combinatorially, we can rephrase the question this way:

“What is the probability that the next winning numbers will be three-odds and two-even numbers?”

Can you see it? Composition matters.

And the composition of a combination is best described using a combinatorial pattern. You can look at combinatorial patterns in many different ways. There are simple patterns and there are advanced patterns.

We will talk about advanced patterns later (you don’t want to miss this section).

Let’s discuss the simple ones first.

The Odd-Even Patterns

Odd-even patterns do have an impact on your number selection strategy. You fail to choose the right composition of odd-even numbers, and you fail to win even before you play.

The Euromillions number field can be divided into two sets:

Odd = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47,49}

Even = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50}

The table below shows the complete odd-even patterns in EuroMillions with their corresponding probability:

The table shows that the first two are the best ones to play in EuroMillions. To help you figure out the best and the worst ones, I further divide the patterns into three groups:

As a EuroMillions player, you should either play the 3-odd-2-even or the 2-odd-3-even patterns.

Do you want proof?

Let’s peek at the past EuroMillions results and see how the game follows the dictate of probability.

The Odd-Even Patterns Based On The Actual EuroMillions Results

Remember that in the list of the odd-even patterns above, we included the probability value. We use the probability value to determine how likely an event will happen in a given period.

In this case, we want to know the frequency of each odd-even pattern. To take things up a notch, we will compare our calculation against the actual results of the EuroMillions.

There are 1,276 draws in EuroMillions from April 16, 2004, to February 4, 2020. Therefore, we calculate the expected frequency by multiplying the probability by 1,276 draws.

Expected Frequency = Probability X 1,276

In the case of 3-odd-2-even with the probability of 0.3256621797655230, the expected frequency will be 416.

Doing similar computation with the rest of the odd-even patterns, we will come up with a completed comparison table below with accompanying graph:

As you see from the graph above, you should notice the agreement between probability prediction and the actual results of the EuroMillions game. The agreement proves that the EuroMillions game follows the dictate of the probability principle.

  • 3-odd-2-even is expected to appear 416 times – it occurred 461 times in the real draw.
  • 4-odd-1-even is projected to appear 190 times – it appeared in 184 times in the actual draw.
  • 0-odd-5-even is supposed to be drawn 32 times – it was drawn 31 times in the real draw.

Thanks to the power of probability. And you don’t need statistical analysis of the historical results to do such high-accuracy and high-precision prediction.

Euromillions 2 Chance Meaning

The Low-High Patterns Based On The Actual EuroMillions Results

Here’s another probability study using the low-high pattern.

We derive the low-high patterns using the following sets:

Low = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,…,25}

High = {26,27,28,29,30,…,50}

Again, the results of the study show that EuroMillions follows the dictate of probability.

The table and the graph above reinforces the fact that the EuroMillions game is subordinate to the principle of probability.

  • 3-low-2-high is expected to appear 416 times – it occurred 468 times in the real draw.
  • 4-low-1-high is projected to appear 190 times – it appeared in 216 times in the actual draw.
  • 0-low-5-high is supposed to be drawn 32 times – it was drawn 22 times in the real draw.

As a EuroMillions player, you should pay attention to the composition of your combination and make sure that it follows either the 3-low-2-high or 2-low-3-high patterns. And never play the rest of the low-high patterns.

Predicting the EuroMillions Draw

You have to understand that probability theory is simply a reliable guide. Naturally, the expected frequency and the actual frequency will not always match exactly.

You use probability to predict the future outcome of the game to guide you on how to play your game.

For example, if we want to know in advance the outcome of EuroMillions after 2000 draws, we use the same formula for expected frequency:

If we are to predict the outcome of all the odd-even patterns, we will come up with the following prediction table below:

As a smart EuroMillions player, you don’t want to waste your money on patterns with low probability. That is the power of probability calculation as we apply it in EuroMillions.

As a lotto player, you want to win the jackpot. Therefore, you should stick with either 3-odd-2-even or 2-odd-3-even and forget about the rest of the patterns.

You get the same idea when it comes to low-high patterns. You don’t want to pick a combination whose composition is purely low numbers or strictly high numbers.

However, EuroMillions is not only about low-high or odd-even patterns.

We discuss low-high and odd-even patterns to show that the lottery can be predicted to an extent. But the low-high and odd-even patterns don’t provide the whole picture of the EuroMillions game.

You must understand the EuroMillions game as a whole if you want to win the game. For you to achieve that, you have to understand intricate combinatorial patterns, which is the real key to EuroMillions’ success.


Euromillions 2 Chance 2

Let’s proceed to discuss what advanced patterns can do to level up your lotto playing strategy.

The Best Group of Combinations In EuroMillions

Earlier, we discussed that any questions you ask about the lottery must be a combinatorial and probability problem to solve.

So to know the probability of 1-2-3-4-5, we ask the question “What is the probability of a combination composed of three-odds and two-even numbers?”

However, this is not the only question we can ask, we can also ask:

“What is the probability of a combination composed of five low numbers?”

The problem though, two different questions may provide different probability results.

When you deal with low-high and odd-even patterns as two separate probability analyses, you will encounter serious contradiction.

To illustrate the contradiction, 1-2-3-4-5 is one of the best combinations under odd-even patterns.

But then we know that under the analysis of the low-high patterns, such combination is one of the worst ones.

So combinatorial mathematics and probability theory can be very confusing if you are not careful.

So what is the solution?

The solution is to combine the two analyses into one combinatorial design.

So now to solve the probability of the combination 1-2-3-4-5, we ask this question instead:

“What is the probability of a combination composed of three-low-odds and two-low-even numbers?”

That’s how advanced combinatorial patterns can help you along the way.

For simplicity, I have divided EuroMillions patterns into three groups.

As you notice, there are only two best patterns out of 56 patterns in EuroMillions 5/50 game.

The table above is very straightforward. If you want to win the EuroMillions, then focus on patterns #1 and #2. And forget about the rest of the patterns.

The problem, almost 90% of the lotto players do not know the worst combinations that will put their money down the drain. For example, many people pick their combinations that belong to the worst group.

There are millions of these worst combinations in EuroMillions. How do you know your combinations are not one of these worst types?

Knowing the Best and the Worst Combination Should Help

Getting the right composition will surely give you the best shot possible at winning the EuroMillions. Of course, you don’t win any money by matching the pattern. But as a lotto player, you want to play with a sensible strategy and get closer to the winning numbers.

The lottery should be fun. But at least be sensible when choosing your combinations and don’t waste your money on worthless combinations.

You don’t increase your chance of winning by choosing the right composition. But when you play the Euromillions, you want to play with the best ratio of success to failure. So don’t waste your money on useless combinations. Combinatorial patterns are here to guide you on that aspect.

If you are playing blindly, there’s no guarantee you will not fall into one of these worst patterns in EuroMillions. So I propose that you should incorporate the use of probability theory in your playing strategy.

The benefits are apparent. First, you are confident that you are not wasting your money, and second, you get the best shot at winning the game.

The difference between the best and the worst is so huge. You don’t want to take it for granted.

We don’t say that those combinations under the worst group will not occur. We say that those combinations have the worst ratio of success to failure.

How To Win The EuroMillions Game

Remember, choose the best ratio of success to failure when you play Euro Millions.

To play the EuroMillions with the best shot possible, pick your numbers based on pattern #1 or #2. Please check the free guide and discover how combinatorial patterns work for EuroMillions and other lottery games.

It’s not easy to win the EuroMillions. But you can do something to make sure your bet is a good one. With lots of superstitions going around the lottery today, a lot of EuroMillions players are doing it all wrong. Don’t be one of them. Be ahead of them. Please read my post on how to win the lottery mathematically.

If you hate math, then you can use a Lottery calculator to avoid manual calculation. But not all calculators are created equally. You have to use a calculator that puts combinatorics and probability theory together in one system.

But remember, the lottery is just entertainment. Please understand that lottery addiction can affect your life negatively in many ways. You have to play with the proper attitude and with a lottery game plan. Save money for your entertainment and please play the lottery responsibly.

Questions or Comments

Please, I invite you to join the conversation. If you have questions about the EuroMillions game, please let me know. If you have comments about this article, then leave your comment below. Thank you for reading 🙂

  1. Prizes

EuroMillions has 13 different prize tiers, with the lowest payout in the standard game awarded for matching two main numbers and the highest given to any player who can match all the numbers drawn to win the jackpot. Jackpot amounts start at €17 million, but can quickly increase to as much as €210 million with rollovers.

Details on the odds of winning in each prize tier are shown in the table below:

MatchOdds of WinningEstimated Prize Fund
5 + 2 1 in 139,838,16050% for draws 1 to 5 in a rollover series; 42% for draw 6 onwards
5 + 11 in 6,991,908 2.61%
5 + 01 in 3,107,5150.61%
4 + 2 1 in 621,5030.19%
4 + 1 1 in 31,0760.35%
3 + 2 1 in 14,1260.37%
4 + 01 in 13,8120.26%
2 + 21 in 9861.30%
3 + 11 in 7071.45%
3 + 01 in 3142.70%
1 + 21 in 1883.27%
2 + 11 in 5010.30%
2 + 01 in 2216.59%

To find information on the exact prize breakdowns for recent draws, please visit the EuroMillions Results page.

Additional Draws

Most EuroMillions nations offer their own additional draws alongside the main game. Take a look at the extra prizes available around the continent on a regular basis.

Ireland – EuroMillions Plus and Ireland Only Raffle

Every EuroMillions player in Ireland is automatically entered into the Ireland Only Raffle, with ten ticket holders winning €5,000 in each draw.

You can also enter EuroMillions Plus by paying an extra €1. The main numbers you choose for the EuroMillions draw are then entered into the separate Plus draw, offering a second chance to win up to €500,000. Here are the full list of EuroMillions Plus prize tiers:

Winning CombinationsPrizeOdds
Match 5€500,0001 in 2,118,760
Match 4€2,0001 in 9,417
Match 3€201 in 214

UK – Millionaire Maker & EuroMillions HotPicks

EuroMillions players receive a UK Millionaire Maker raffle code with every line of numbers they play in the main draw. One winning code is selected in each draw and if the code on a player’s ticket matches the one drawn, they win £1 million. The price of entry to UK Millionaire Maker is included in the cost of a EuroMillions ticket.

Additionally, for £1.50, UK participants can enter EuroMillions HotPicks as well as the main draw. By correctly predicting how many winning numbers they will match, players can win prizes from £10 up to £1 million. Get the full details of all HotPicks prizes below:

Winning CombinationsPrizeOdds of Winning
Match 5£1 million1 in 2,118,760
Match 4£30,0001 in 46,060
Match 3£1,5001 in 1,960
Match 2£1001 in 123
Match 1£101 in 10

France – My Million & Etoile+

French ticket holders enter My Million simply by playing a EuroMillions line. A unique code is generated on their ticket, with one player winning €1 million in each regular draw. From time to time, there are multiple My Million prizes to be won in a single draw.

By paying an additional €1, players in France can also add the Etoile+ option to their ticket, reducing the required amount of numbers matched to win a prize down to just one Lucky Star and boosting the value of other prize tiers. Here are the full details of all Etoile+ prizes:

Prize TierOdds of Winning% of Prize Fund*
Match 5 + 1 Star1 in 6,991,9080.67%
Match 4 + 2 Stars1 in 621,5030.08%
Match 4 + 1 Star1 in 31,0750.17%
Match 3 + 2 Stars1 in 14,1250.17%
Match 2 + 2 Stars1 in 9860.58%
Match 3 + 1 Star1 in 7060.67%
Match 1 + 2 Stars1 in 1882.33%
Match 0 + 2 Stars1 in 11515%
Match 2 + 1 Star1 in 496.83%
Match 0 + 1 Star1 in 673.5%

*The Etoile+ prize fund is separate from the main EuroMillions prize fund, it consists of revenue earned from players paying the additional €1 fee.

Austria - Joker

Players in Austria can take part in Joker in addition to EuroMillions at a cost of €1.30 per line. Six numbers between 0 and 9 are randomly generated on the ticket, and prizes are awarded for matching numbers in order.

MatchPrizeOdds of Winning
All six numbers in orderJackpot1 in 1 million
Last five numbers in order€7,7001 in 111,111
Last four numbers in order€7701 in 11,111
Last three numbers in order€771 in 1,111
Last two numbers in order€71 in 111
Last number€1.501 in 11

Euromillions 2 Chance Lottery

Belgium - Joker and My Bonus

Belgian players can take part in Joker for €1.50 a ticket, and are required to select one of the 12 astrological signs. Six numbers between 0 and 9 are automatically generated on a ticket, and prizes are available for matching either the constellation or the numbers in the right order.

MatchPrizeOdds of Winning
6 Numbers + ConstellationMinimum €200,000*1 in 12,000,000
6 Numbers€20,0001 in 1,090,909
5 numbers€2,0001 in 55,556
4 numbers€2001 in 5,556
3 numbers€201 in 556
2 numbers€51 in 56
1 number€21 in 6
Constellation Only€1.501 in 12

* An extra €200,000 is added to the top prize on the 21st of each month if nobody has won.

A My Bonus code, starting with the letter B and then consisting of three letters and five numbers, is generated alongside each line of EuroMillions numbers. Winning codes are drawn at random - 200 on a Tuesday and 400 on a Friday - and anyone with a matching ticket wins €500. Special draws take place from time to time to offer multiple prizes of €10, while My Bonus codes are also used for the European Millionaire Maker when the games takes place.

Spain – El Millón

Ticket holders in Spain receive an entry into that week’s El Millón draw with every EuroMillions line they play for either the Tuesday or Friday draw. The raffle takes place on Friday nights, with one player winning €1 million. There are also occasional El Millón Plus draws, in which the number of prizes on offer is increased.

Portugal - M1lhão

M1lhão works in the same way as El Millón, with one prize of €1 million on offer each week. The Portuguese lottery also sometimes increases the number of prizes available in a single draw.

Switzerland – Super-Star and 2 Chance

Entrants in Switzerland can play Super-Star in addition to EuroMillions, for an extra cost of CHF2, and win prizes worth up to CHF250,000 by matching a five-digit code with the one drawn. There are 11 prize tiers in total, with prizes based on the number of tickets sold and the amount of winners in each tier. However, the jackpot is a fixed sum. Here are the prizes on offer:

MatchExpected Prize
All five digits in the right orderCHF250,000 (fixed)
The first two and the last two digitsCHF5,000
The first three digits and the last digitCHF2,000
The first digit and the last three digitsCHF2,000
The first four or the last four digitsCHF1,000
The first two digits and the last digitCHF275
The first digit and the last two digitsCHF275
The first three or last three digitsCHF50 (maximum prize)
The first and last digitsCHF20
The first two or the last two digitsCHF10
The first or last digitCHF4

2 Chance works like EuroMillions Plus, with players’ main numbers having another opportunity to win in an additional draw. The jackpot, for matching all five balls, is around CHF150,000. Here are the prize tiers and odds of winning:

MatchEstimated PrizeOdds of Winning
5 numbersCHF150,0001 in 2,118,760
4 numbersCHF700*1 in 9,417
3 numbersCHF251 in 214

*Maximum prize of CHF950

Luxembourg - Joker and Extra Lux

EuroMillions players in Luxembourg pay an additional €2 to add a line of Joker to their entry. Six numbers between 0 and 9 are randomly generated on each line, and prizes of up to €500,000 are available.

All six numbers in order€500,000
Last 5 numbers in order€10,000
Last 4 numbers in order€1,000
Last 3 numbers in order€100
Last 2 numbers in order€10
Last Number€2

Extra Lux is a supplementary game which players in Luxembourg are automatically entered into at no extra cost, giving their main numbers another chance to win. A separate draw takes place, with five numbers between 1 and 50 randomly selected, and prizes can be won for matching three, four or five of the numbers.

MatchPrizeOdds of Winning
5 main numbers€100,0001 in 2,118,760
4 main numbers€5001 in 9,417
3 main numbers€101 in 214


Only 3 of the EuroMillions participating countries charge taxes on winnings - Spain, Switzerland and Portugal - for details of their tax rates, visit the Lotto Tax page.

European Millionaire Maker

European Millionaire Maker is similar to UK Millionaire Maker or My Million, the raffle is designed to guarantee a certain number of prize winners in one night. Players across all 9 participating countries will receive a randomly-generated code for every EuroMillions ticket they buy, with the first letter of the code representing the country where the entry was purchased.

Euromillions 2 Chance 3

The last European Millionaire Maker draw took place on Friday 23rd February 2018, when 25 millionaires were made across the continent.

EuroMillions Superdraws

Superdraws are held occasionally throughout the year and offer huge jackpots, regardless of the value of the top prize in the previous draw. The jackpot rolls over if no one wins on the night and will continue to do so until at least one ticket matches all five main numbers and two Lucky Stars or it reaches the jackpot cap of €200 million.

Jackpot Cap

EuroMillions jackpots can only rise up to €210 million. After this point, the jackpot cannot roll over any further and additional funds typically used to increase the next draw's jackpot are instead rolled down to the lower prize tiers. This can help to boost the prize pool for 'Match 5 + 1' winners.

Euromillions Uk

The jackpot can remain at the cap value for up to five draws. If no-one matches all five main numbers and the two Lucky Stars in the fifth draw, then the jackpot will be split equally among all winners in the next highest prize tier.

Euromillions 2 Chance 4

The first time that the jackpot stayed at its cap for five draws was in 2019, when the maximum was €190 million. A draw took place on Tuesday 8th October when it had to be won. The money did not have to roll down, though, as one UK ticket matched all the numbers to win €190 million (£170 million). The winner remained anonymous.

Euromillions Heute 2chance

Once the jackpot cap has been reached and the top prize has been given away, the cap will increase to €220 million. Each time the maximum jackpot has been won, the cap will go up by €10 million, up to a possible €250 million.