Bad People Card Game

Find out what your friends really think about you in this hilarious and brutal voting game! Each turn one of the players is the Dictator and reads a question card out loud. They then silently vote for one of the other players who they feel fits the question best. All other players then vote for who they think the Dictator choose, if they are correct they earn a point. First person to 7 points win. 100 NEW Question Cards so horribly epic that they had to have their own box with a huge WARNING on them! This is an expansion pack and MUST be played with the Bad People base game. The grand daddy of adult card games, Against Humanity is probably the one that you all associate with every boozy, night that got out of hand, and even after it’s ten or so years of being brought out at every college party, every bar, and shocking unwitting grandparents over Christmas, it’s still the go-to adult card game for anyone who loves to embrace their inner bastard. Product Description Bad People Card Game When Go Fish and Snap just don’t cut it anymore grab this Bad People Card Game for Adults to liven up the atmosphere. This card game was not made for the faint-hearted though, as some questions include ‘who has done the most walks of shame?’ amongst other funny yet brutal questions. PERFECT FOR PARTIES AND GAMES NIGHT: It's the most fun and savage card game ever! All players are involved at all times. VOTING FOR YOUR FRIENDS IS GUARANTEED LAUGHS AND YOU CAN PLAY BAD PEOPLE 1000's OF TIMES: The gameplay changes each time based on who you are playing with. Ages: 17+, Time: 20-60 Minutes, Players: 3-10.

OBJECTIVE OF GOLF: The objective is to score the lowest number of points.


NUMBER OF CARDS: 1 to 3 decks, depending on variation and number of players.

RANK OF CARDS: Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A, K


Golf is a widespread game but seldom documented in card playing books. This is a consequence of the many names the game bears, it is also known as Polish Polka or Polish Poker, and the 4-card version is sometimes referred to as Turtle.The 6-card variation of Golf is also known as Hara Kiri and the 9-card game is often called Crazy Nines.


This is the most commonly played form of Golf. The game uses a standard 52 card deck for 2-8 players, if there are more than 8 players who wish to play, two decks may be combined.


Bad People Card Game Card Examples Free

Both the deal and the play moves clockwise. The dealer will hand each player 4 cards, one card at a time. These cards are to be placed face-down in the shape of a square. The cards that were not dealt form a draw pile. The top card is moved face-up and placed beside the draw pile, this card forms the discard pile.

Before the play begins, players can look, only once, at the two cards nearest to them in their square layout. These cards must be kept secret from other players. Players may not look at the cards in their layout again unless they are discarding them during play or scoring them at the end of the game.


The player left of the dealer starts and play passes on clockwise. A turn offers players three options:

  1. Players may draw a card from the draw pile. You may use this card to replace any four cards in your layout, but you cannot look at the face of the card you are replacing. Try and remember which card is the replacement. Move the card you choose to replace in your layout face-up to the discard pile. You can draw from this pile and simply discard the card, face-up, without using it.
  2. Players may draw a card from the discard pile. Since these cards are face-up, you must use one to replace a card in your layout, then discard. You may not put the drawn card back in the pile without changing your layout.
  3. Players can also choose to knock. After you knock your turn is over. Play moves on in a normal fashion, other players may draw or discard, but the cannot knock. Play ends afterward.

*Note: If you peep at your cards in your face-down layout, the card you look at must be discarded.


Scoring occurs at the end of each play. All player’s cards are flipped face-up for scoring.

  • number cards equal their face value, Ace = 1, Two = 2, etc.
  • Jack and Queen = 10 points
  • King = 0 points

The player with the lowest total score, summed after nine plays, is the winner.


In 6-card Golf pairs in a column score 0 points. The objective then in 6-card Golf is to make as many pairs as possible while keeping the unpaired cards a low denomination.


In a game with 2-4 players, a standard 52 card deck will suffice. Games with 4-8 players use two packs and games with more than 8 use three. Both the deal and the play moves clockwise. Dealers deal 6 cards to each player, one at a time, to form a rectangular layout. The cards that were not dealt form a draw pile. The top card is moved face-up and placed beside the draw pile, this card forms the discard pile. Before the play begins, players may flip any two cards in their layout face-up. No other cards may be looked at unless they are being discarded or if the situation is called for during game play.


The player left of the deal starts and play passes on clockwise. During your turn, you may either draw from the draw or discard pile. Drawn cards may be used to replace any 6 cards in your layout. However, if you choose to replace a face-down card you may not look at it before doing so. Place the new card face-up in your layout and the old card face-up on the discard pile.

Cards drawn from the face-down pile may be discarded without being used. Cards from the discard pile must be used to replace a card your layout.

Bad People Card Game Card Examples

Play ends when all player’s cards are face-up and scoring begins.


Scoring occurs at the end of each play. All player’s cards are flipped face-up for scoring.

  • Ace = 1 point
  • Two = -2 points
  • Number cards 3-10 = face value
  • Jack and Queen = 10 points
  • King = 0 points
  • Equal cards in the same column = 0 points (including twos)

The player with the lowest total score, summed after nine plays, is the winner.



Eight Card Golf is played almost identically to six card Golf, however, the layout is 2 rows of four cards as opposed to three. One deck is used in games with 2-4 players and more decks may be added as needed. The dealer deals each player (starting to their left) eight cards, one at a time, in a rectangular layout (4×2). The cards that were not dealt form a draw pile. The top card is moved face-up and placed beside the draw pile, this card forms the discard pile. The player left of the deal starts and play passes on clockwise.


Players begin their turn by turning two cards in one column face-up. Players then may draw cards from the draw or discard pile, giving them three options:

  1. Use drawn card to replace a face-up card. Discard the face-up card, face-up, in the discard pile.
  2. Use drawn card to replace a face-down card. The card you wish to replace cannot be looked at before hand. After it is replaced, discard it face-up in the discard pile.
  3. If the drawn card was from the face-down draw pile, discard face-up on top of the discard pile. Flip one of the face-down cards in one’s personal layout face-up.
Bad People Card Game

After ever player has their first turn, each player can turn 2 or 3 cards face-up. Play continues on in the same direction.

If a layout has one face down card remaining one may still draw a card from the draw pile and discard without looking at the last card. When one player’s layout are face-up one turn each remains. Other player’s remaining face-down cards are flipped after last turns and scoring beings.


  • Jokers = -5 points
  • Kings = 0 points
  • Jacks and Queens = 10 points
  • Aces = 1 point
  • Number cards 2-10 = face value
  • Pair in a column = 0 points
  • 2 pairs in 2 columns = -10 points

Negative scores are possible. The player with the lowest total score, summed after nine plays, is the winner.

Bad People Card Game List


Nine Card Golf is better known as Crazy Nines or Nines. This variant is played with 2 standard decks. The layout is a 3×3 square of cards. Three cards are turned face-up to begin play. The same rules as 6-card Golf apply, except pairs do not score zero points, three matching cards in a column score zero points. In the event you have two intersecting rows of equal cards, players must before the game consider how to score this. Many players will remove the block or line of equal cards.

Bad People Card Game


Bad People Card Game Printable

This game must be played with at least two standard card decks. Gta roulette. Players are dealt 5 cards in the same fashion as other versions of Golf, in a 5×2 rectangular layout. Any two cards may be flipped face-up. From then on, 6-card Golf rules apply.